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Aligarh College of Engineering and Technology B.Tech Courses, admission & Fees Details

Aligarh College of Engineering and Technology B.Tech Courses, admission & Fees Details

Aligarh College of Engineering and Technology (ACET) stands tall as an educational bastion, fostering the aspirations of budding engineers through its distinguished B.Tech programs. Established with a vision to nurture innovation and excellence, ACET has become synonymous with academic rigor and cutting-edge learning experiences. This article navigates the contours of ACET’s B.Tech course fees, shedding light on the diverse disciplines available and the institution’s unwavering commitment to staying abreast of technological advancements.

With a stellar faculty, state-of-the-art facilities, and a dynamic curriculum, ACET has carved a niche for itself in the realm of engineering education. Aspiring engineers are drawn to ACET not only for its academic prowess but also for its transparent admission process, ensuring that merit takes precedence. Join us on a journey through the corridors of Aligarh College of Engineering and Technology, where education transcends traditional boundaries, propelling students toward a future defined by innovation and excellence.

B.Tech Courses Details

ACET offers a comprehensive array of B.Tech courses across various engineering disciplines. The college is renowned for its commitment to keeping the curriculum updated with industry trends and technological advancements. The following are some of the prominent B.Tech courses list at ACET:

1. Computer Science and Engineering (CSE)

The Computer Science and Engineering (CSE) program at Aligarh College of Engineering and Technology (ACET) is a dynamic pathway for aspiring technologists. Grounded in a robust curriculum encompassing algorithms, programming languages, and artificial intelligence, the program equips students with a profound understanding of foundational concepts and emerging technologies.

With a focus on practical application through hands-on projects, ACET’s CSE program ensures that graduates are well-prepared to navigate the evolving landscape of the tech industry, making it a cornerstone of academic excellence in the realm of computer science. You can also search for the best B.Tech courses after 12th.

2. Mechanical Engineering

B.Tech Aligarh College of Engineering and Technology (ACET), the Mechanical Engineering program stands as a pillar of innovation and technical expertise. Covering essential principles such as thermodynamics, fluid mechanics, and machine design, the curriculum is meticulously designed to blend theoretical knowledge with practical applications.

ACET’s state-of-the-art laboratories and workshops provide students with a hands-on learning experience, preparing them for the challenges of the ever-evolving field of Mechanical Engineering. This program at ACET is a gateway to a future marked by engineering excellence and industry relevance.

3. Electrical Engineering

Aligarh College of Engineering and Technology (ACET) offers a transformative Electrical Engineering program, guiding students through the intricacies of electrical systems. ACET prepares students for diverse power generation, electronics, and telecommunications roles with a curriculum covering theoretical foundations and practical applications.

The program leverages cutting-edge facilities and experienced faculty, ensuring that graduates emerge with theoretical knowledge and the skills needed to address real-world challenges in the dynamic field of Electrical Engineering.

4. Civil Engineering

In the realm of engineering excellence, Aligarh College of Engineering and Technology (ACET) shines brightly with its Civil Engineering program. This curriculum encompasses structural design, construction management, and environmental engineering.

ACET’s commitment to hands-on learning is evident through field visits and internships, providing students with practical insights into the construction industry’s challenges. With a focus on holistic education, ACET’s Civil Engineering program shapes aspiring engineers into adept professionals ready to contribute to the evolving infrastructure landscape.

Admission Process

ACET follows a transparent and merit-based admission process to ensure that the most deserving candidates join their B.Tech programs. The process typically includes the following steps:

1. Eligibility Criteria

Aligarh College of Engineering and Technology (ACET) sets high standards for admission, ensuring a merit-driven selection process. Eligibility criteria mandate completing a 10+2 education with a strong physics, chemistry, and mathematics foundation.

Candidates must qualify for recognized engineering entrance exams, such as JEE or state-level equivalents. ACET’s commitment to academic excellence is reflected in its transparent and competitive eligibility requirements, ensuring that only deserving candidates with a passion for engineering embark on their educational journey at the institution.

2. Application Submission

The application submission process at Aligarh College of Engineering and Technology (ACET) is a seamless and pivotal step towards academic pursuit. Prospective students are required to submit their applications online through the official ACET website.

The application form encompasses personal details, academic history, and performance in relevant entrance exams. This digital gateway streamlines the admission process, allowing aspiring engineers to present their credentials efficiently as they embark on the journey toward a transformative education at ACET.

3. Entrance Exam Scores

Entrance exam scores are pivotal in shaping the academic journey at Aligarh College of Engineering and Technology (ACET). Recognizing the significance of standardized assessments, ACET considers the scores obtained in renowned engineering entrance exams, such as JEE or state-level equivalents.

A merit list is then meticulously prepared based on these scores. This transparent and merit-driven approach ensures that candidates with proven academic prowess and potential contribute to the vibrant academic community at ACET.

4. Counseling and Interview

Counseling and interviews are crucial in the admission process at Aligarh College of Engineering and Technology (ACET). Shortlisted candidates undergo a counseling session, where they have the opportunity to select their preferred B.Tech course based on merit rank.

The process may include a personal interview, providing insights into the candidate’s aptitude and motivation. This interactive approach ensures a holistic evaluation, aligning the aspirations and capabilities of the students with the diverse engineering disciplines offered at ACET.

5. Document Verification

Following the counseling and interview phase, successful candidates at Aligarh College of Engineering and Technology (ACET) proceed to document verification. This critical step involves submitting necessary documents for thorough scrutiny, including academic certificates, identity proof, and other relevant credentials.

ACET prioritizes integrity and transparency in verifying academic backgrounds, ensuring alignment with institution standards for admitted students.

Fee Structure

ACET understands the financial considerations of students and strives to keep the education accessible. The fee structure for a B.Tech degree at ACET is designed to be competitive while maintaining high standards of education. The fee details may vary based on the chosen engineering discipline, and additional costs for hostel accommodation and other amenities may apply.

1. Tuition Fees

The tuition fees at Aligarh College of Engineering and Technology (ACET) encompass the cost of academic instruction, laboratory access, and library facilities. Offering various payment options, including semester-wise and annual plans, ACET strives to make education financially accessible.

The tuition fees vary based on the chosen B.Tech discipline, reflecting the diverse nature of engineering specializations. This commitment to flexibility ensures students can pursue quality education at ACET while managing their financial responsibilities effectively. You can also search for B.Tech fees in private colleges.

2. Hostel and Accommodation Fees

For students opting for a residential experience, Aligarh College of Engineering and Technology (ACET) provides hostel facilities with associated accommodation fees. The hostel fees cover lodging, meals, and additional amenities, fostering a conducive living and learning environment on campus.

ACET prioritizes the well-being of its students, offering comfortable and secure accommodations. The hostel and accommodation fees may vary, taking into account room preferences and facilities. By providing on-campus housing, ACET ensures that students have a supportive community and can fully immerse themselves in the academic and extracurricular experiences offered by the institution.

3. Scholarships and Financial Aid

Aligarh College of Engineering and Technology (ACET) recognizes and supports academic excellence through scholarships and financial aid. Deserving students may be eligible for financial assistance based on their performance in academics and extracurricular activities.

ACET’s scholarship programs aim to alleviate the financial burden on deserving students, empowering them to pursue their educational goals. The institution is committed to fostering a diverse and inclusive learning environment, and scholarships play a pivotal role in ensuring that talented individuals have equal opportunities for success. Prospective students are encouraged to explore these avenues to make their education at ACET more accessible.


Aligarh College of Engineering and Technology emerges as a distinguished institution, providing a transformative learning experience through its B.Tech course details. With a commitment to academic excellence, a transparent admission process, and a reasonable fee structure, ACET stands as a preferred choice for engineering aspirants seeking a holistic education.

As the college continues to evolve in tandem with technological advancements, it remains dedicated to shaping the future of engineering professionals who will contribute significantly to the ever-changing landscape of the industry.

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